Why HPM?

At HPM, we are patient focused, not problem focused. We make it a priority to find the root cause of our patient’s problems rather than treat a few symptoms. We want your relief to be real while we find the best way to return function to your body.

Holistic Pain Management was founded to bring the latest, most effective pain management treatments to people who don’t have nearby access. Instead of waiting for months and traveling for hours, patients can now get specialty healthcare close to home in a fraction of the time.

We genuinely care about our patients, and we prove it by spending more time with them, carefully listening to our patients, and not overbooking our schedule with appointments.
Man and Woman stretching outdoors
Soldier with child smiling at home

What does HPM do?

If you suffer from chronic pain, you understand how frustrating it can be to wonder if you’re ever going to feel better. At HPM, we believe everyone deserves the chance to live with as little pain as possible and enjoy the things — and people — in life you love the most.

When you work with Holistic Pain Management, our goal is to help you:

Reduce your pain
Improve your body’s function
Enhance your quality of life
Increase your number of social interactions
Boost your mental and emotional health
Get back to doing the things you enjoy most
Find renewed hope for your future

Our Solutions

Holistic Pain Management provides more than 60 treatments for numerous painful conditions. The types of treatments we offer include the latest medical advancements such as injections, radiofrequency ablations, and nerve blocks — all of which can give patients noticeable relief from pain and improve their body’s ability to function.

Billie W.

“Without the injections I believe I would be in a wheelchair and not living on my own. Thank you so much!”

Annie C.

“I have attended this office for quite some time. The experience is comfortable and stress free. I would suggest Holistic Pain Management to anyone seeking relief.”

Cindy C.

“I have been very pleased with my progress with Holistic Pain Management. They are very helpful and compassionate with trying to find ways to help relieve my pain.”

Billie W.

“Without the injections I believe I would be in a wheelchair and not living on my own. Thank you so much!”

Annie C.

“I have attended this office for quite some time. The experience is comfortable and stress free. I would suggest Holistic Pain Management to anyone seeking relief.”

Cindy C.

“I have been very pleased with my progress with Holistic Pain Management. They are very helpful and compassionate with trying to find ways to help relieve my pain.”

Less Waiting and Traveling

While many highly effective treatments exist for a wide variety of painful conditions, many of these specialized remedies can only be found in or near metropolitan areas. Rural residents suffering from chronic pain often have to travel long distances and wait several months before being able to get the treatment they so desperately need.

At HPM, we’re working hard to change that. We do this by:


Offering specialized medical services


Providing faster care

Improving access to care
Nurse caring for elder patient

HPM Can Help You Get Your Life Back

Chronic pain can be a major obstacle between you and the activities in life that make you most happy. HPM can help you break down those barriers by giving you the personal, focused care you need.

Our team of medical professionals is dedicated to hearing you — genuinely listening to you — tell your pain story, then finding the right treatment plan just for you. Within weeks, not months, you’ll be receiving your treatments to get you back to the life you deserve.

Farmer smiling outdoors
Woman and child laughing
Man with grandson